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That Kim, she's got some front! From Jane Reynolds' EastEnders Soap-y Corner

Soap-y Corner 29th May

Emmerdale I’ve loved Emmerdale this week because it’s had lots of Charity, Chas, Debbie (and current boyfriends ), + Cain of course.  Ah, Cain.  Sometimes you love him, sometimes you hate him.  He can be the cruellest of bullies one minute, then be fiercely defending his family/friends the next. Anyone who reads my blogs regularly […]

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Match made in 'eaven. Jane Reynolds on why Jane & Mas need to go for it!

Soap-y Corner 15th May

  If there was a “Jumping to the wrong conclusion” event in the Olympics, the Soaps would be vying for the Gold medal.  Clear winners this week are Emmerdale though, with everyone believing Amy over Hairy David.  I wouldn’t mind, but it’ll have only been about five minutes since someone would have been saying exactly the same […]

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