Jane Reynolds's blog: Sunday 19th January 2014

IMG_2688I’m back!

‘Who cares?’ you yawn, but it’s (relatively) exciting news this end, as I’m happy to declare that … yes, it’s done.

That dastardly tax return (which has been hanging round my neck like a dastardly tax return necklace) is finished, and next week I’m going to do this year’s too, so that I can get back into my proper routine of spending half an hour a week updating it and thereby ensure that I NEVER get so far behind again!

For the first time in over a year I feel as if I can see daylight, and if you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ll know that they traditionally start with a ‘Sunset Over Swindon’ (which used to be Sunrise Over Swindon when I had my office), and this one is a fabulous red sunset which I took outside the gym just before Christmas but haven’t had time to post yet.

Anyway, enough of all that.

Now that the tax return’s out of the way I’m buzzing with excitement at the thought of starting writing again. After much agonising though, I’ve made the difficult decision to give my Soapy Corners a bit of a rest (for a few weeks initially) so that I can spend time working on a lot of the ideas that I’ve had to shelve over the last year or so.

The first one is this website. The revamp was pretty much done before Christmas, and my trusty (and excellent) new web man is poised and ready to go live with it as soon as I’ve rewritten some of the pages. It’ll feel like a great new start for both the site and me.

My ‘Soapy Corners Live’ on Tellyspy are also off-air temporarily, but they’ll be back soon in a brand new format which I hope you’ll enjoy – apart from having to see my face on-screen, but I’m sure you’ll get used to it after a couple of weeks (or a stiff drink)!

IMG_2897xLastly for now, I must just tell you about the exciting tweet I had on New Year’s Eve from the lovely Michelle Hardwick (‘Vanessa the Vet’ in Emmerdale) who was on holiday and had not only been planning to propose to her girlfriend but had also been reading my book ‘Just Good Friends?’!

To say that this tweet ‘brightened my mood’ (on what is traditionally the worst night of the year for me) is an understatement, and it gave me a very unexpected glimmer of hope and expectation that 2014 might just turn out to be a good year for me after – let’s face it – an awful lot of rubbish ones!

Where you can read/hear me:

Here’s my latest Yahoo!TV post: The best of the week’s one-liners’(If this link isn’t showing the most recent/last week’s episodes it’ll just be because it hasn’t yet been published by YahooTV, but as soon as they upload the page on their site then I’ll update the link.)

You can also hear my live half hour of Soapy chat on The Big Mid-Morning Show between 10.30-11.00 am on Thursday mornings on Swindon 105.5 FM  – or via Tunein Radio if you’re not lucky enough to live in Sunny Swindon (!).

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